That's too bad. Do you do backup archiving? (Go to File, then Backup/Restore). You can create a backup archive to put on a disc or email to yourself or whatever, and if everything is lost or if something gets messed up, you can restore everything like it was when you created the archive. (I also do it so I can put it all onto a second computer if my first one dies for some reason.) I do archiving about once a week and I email the file to myself. The process of creating an archive stops all backtesting though, so make sure you don't do it while you're in the middle of something important. If your computer has been doing backups automatically, you might try to restore a recent one, and that should have all of your strategy files as they were. (I'm posting on this on the blog so that others can benefit from it if things go wrong.)

    daniel --thanks -- I had

    Posted by Michael on 23rd of Apr 2009 at 03:37 pm

    daniel --thanks -- I had it set to backup every night at 12:01, but when I went to restore I couldn't find those files.  I was so fed up I just re-did the charts.  I have a second hard-drive on my computer, so its easy enough for me to create an archive file as you suggest.................thanks.

    Yes PLEASE do the back

    Posted by matt on 23rd of Apr 2009 at 03:34 pm

    Yes PLEASE do the back up every day, or at last once in a while; it only took one time for me to lose everything that forced me to start backing up so that I could just reinstall my strategies if TS crashed thus losing my stratieges and files


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