Looks like I only got

    Posted by dbray740 on 22nd of Apr 2009 at 04:04 pm

    Looks like I only got one trade out of the day (a nice one though!) I suppose it's a nice break after Monday and Tuesday when all of my strategies were crazy busy. For those of you who are trading mechanical trading systems manually, let me tell you about my trading day: I woke up in time to make sure my computer was running, took my kid to preschool, went to the bank to close an account, sat around for a while and ate pretzels, picked my kid up from preschool and took him home, took the car to get the brakes fixed, went to some random Japanese restaurant and ate some things that assaulted my sinuses, and then came back to check on my trades about 15 minutes before the close. And I still made more than my average workday. So while these mechanical systems can be traded manually, you might want to think about all the other things you could be doing instead. Just a thought.


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