Posted by airstream on 22nd of Apr 2009 at 03:53 pm

    Six minute cross at end of day  Oh well     ,    SRS 6 MIN system

    SRS Cross??

    Posted by rgoodwin on 22nd of Apr 2009 at 04:05 pm

    airstream - I don't see a cross? Are you sure?


    Posted by airstream on 22nd of Apr 2009 at 04:12 pm

    I got a cross on my set up in stockcharts for the 6 minute SRS system .  Unfortunately I don't have a dynamic chart like Matts 15 min SRS tocheck it against.  I got a cross on the second to last bar and didn'y wait for a confirming candle so I entered early for a pop That looked like was comeing.


    Posted by rgoodwin on 22nd of Apr 2009 at 04:15 pm

    Worked out for you I guess but in the real world there was no cross. Just thought you should know - sounds like SC isn't necessarily giving great signals!?


    Posted by airstream on 22nd of Apr 2009 at 04:21 pm

    I agree I got lucky and played a hunch . Thanks for the feedback as I am really trying to get the most out of these mechanical systems. There was a comment about streaming  charts and stock charts does not as far as I know provide that service  . Can Steve or Matt or anyone suggest a service to use or if it is necessary? I use Matts 15 MIn SRS chart now but I find I have to refresh to keep it updateing.     Thanks

    streaming service

    Posted by domp on 22nd of Apr 2009 at 04:56 pm



    it is free if you have an ameritrade account.  might be free for some other brokerages.  i think it is 60 bucks a yr.

    SRS 6 min cross

    Posted by mamaduck on 22nd of Apr 2009 at 04:14 pm

    I do not show a cross on TS. Matt can you confirm please?

    SRS 6 minutes

    Posted by mamaduck on 22nd of Apr 2009 at 04:02 pm

    I don't show a cross today. Most probably first candle tomorrow...


    Posted by cspirit on 22nd of Apr 2009 at 04:02 pm

    Shows how much I know .... I really thought SPX 852 or 50% fib would hold ... Why I sold my BGZ and SRS once SPX 856 hit on pullback from SPX 861.  

    I'm still learning and was trading my plan ... I'm surprised we pushed up pasted two fib retracement areas and then hit MAJOR ress. and then neither fib area held as support into the close.

    I'm still holding SDS so today not a total loss but did leave about $2.00 each on BGZ & SRS if I would have held some still.  I guess I need to update my signals better but all in all a good day trading.


    Matt, Your update tonight I now

    Posted by cspirit on 22nd of Apr 2009 at 10:33 pm


    Your update tonight I now see where my error was ...  I got off the bus at uptrend support line near SPX 856 and never gave uptrend line a chance to break down.  I got so into the Fib numbers and I made a metal error of forgetting the uptrend line  (Noted in the update tonight on 10min. SPX Chart)

    Glad I didn't lose money but I did leave alot on the table. 

    Just when you think your doing good today brings you back to fact you must view all signals.  



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