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Shareing and Learning

5 min. $VIX & $TTi update

Posted by airstream on 19th of Aug 2011 at 04:28 pm

Thanks Ditch for shareing your work  . Very kind of you  . Have a great weekend 

TNA   ?

TNA 30 in chart

Posted by airstream on 24th of Jun 2011 at 09:53 am

TNA   ?

As the great one would say "  How Sweet It Is  "              Great Job  

jroger  I must have your system as well thats why I just signed up for the SPY system   

SLV Chart

SLV - Daily

Posted by airstream on 21st of Apr 2011 at 10:38 am

Hi Ditch  I just replicated your chart  and thanks for shareing  . Nice chart   Any tips on trade signals   2nd psar ?   Color change on bars ?     Thanks



Posted by airstream on 12th of Mar 2011 at 04:23 pm

 I have tried for a long time and at considerable expense to put his work to use for my benefit and I have come to the conclusion that I am not smart enough to distill from the mountains of data he puts out to make profitable investing or speculating decisions.  I also don't think his service is a good fit for a trader and to me that is what one has to be in todays equity markets . He keeps soliciting me back as a customer and wants me to buy his premium service.  When i tried to pin him down on his expected results from this expensive service his reponses were very unprofesional.     Caveat Emptor   My advice stick with Matt and Steve


I have Neg Div. on my 5, 15min and 30 ...

Posted by airstream on 3rd of Sep 2010 at 03:00 pm

cspirit   you mentioned earlier swinging TZA over the weekend and I am curious what time frame chart you put the most weighting  on to pull the trigger or what is your primary indicator that you put the most faith in . I also went LONG TZA at the open as I saw  all my charts extended and way outside my bollinger bands and RSI on my 5 minute pegged


BGZ - Order Filled 14.94 (Taking it home for Thursday)

Posted by airstream on 1st of Sep 2010 at 04:04 pm

Bought TZA @ the close 34.01  Lets see how much we pull back tomorrow

I follow your trades and thanks for posting them . Your batting average is outstanding . 

A paid for house

An August Surprise from Obama?

Posted by airstream on 5th of Aug 2010 at 02:36 pm

My wife and I last year decided to sell our expensive house in the Bay area and move to Idaho and we paid cash for a beautiful home that gives us a huge feeling of security. For me it is like buying an annuity as rent on a comparable house  up here would be   $2500 a month and I could not get that return on 400K to 500K  in a safe investment if there is such a thing anymore.  You have to live somewhere so for me I love not haveing to write a check each month to send to some bank.  If things get really rough in this economy we will have a place to live.  We are also debt free. I spent most of my life being a debt slave  but  leverage does not work for you anymore .


Define yourself

Posted by airstream on 5th of Aug 2010 at 02:27 pm

Thanks Matt excellent advice   I have spent years learning what you just wrote thru trial and lots of errors.

5 MIN 60 period stochastics

Posted by airstream on 2nd of Aug 2010 at 02:34 pm

Matt  is it unusual to see this sto in the high 90's for so long?  


Posted by airstream on 29th of Jul 2010 at 02:47 pm

Hey please don't   apologize   I really appreciate  all the posts . RP  are you going to stay short while you are gone or will you go flat this week?   Have a great vacation

TZA Trade

Market Comments

Posted by airstream on 28th of Jul 2010 at 08:56 pm

Yes I did  Made a dollar per share on the trade . Thanks Matt   I would not have done it without your chart this morning.  It took some patience  but it finally got going.


GDX swing system improvements/tweaks

Posted by airstream on 28th of Jul 2010 at 01:53 pm

Looks like option one is a no brainer . Enter the trade at the signal  sell at 10 % then wait for the next signal.    Naw can't be that easy    Great chart Matt    Ten percent  gain from the present 7.5 percent is a huge improvement  . In looking at the column Sell at 10 percent gain is that correct that there were all 10 % gains except  8/20/2009    That is incredible 

GDX System

GDX swing system improvements/tweaks

Posted by airstream on 28th of Jul 2010 at 01:32 pm

I like the  fact that it trades less frequently so I don't run into the 3 day issue in cash accounts also I like the fact that  I can position part of my portfolio in a less volatile system that seems to    require less daily monitoring . Ditch mentioned the DZZ as a way to play the pullbacks and as it is a leveraged ETN I can adjust my position size accordingly .  I would not use the system only in my IRA's but prefer to keep my margin account for short duration opportunities

Inverse fund

GDX swing system improvements/tweaks

Posted by airstream on 28th of Jul 2010 at 01:08 pm

Matt for those of us useing this system in an IRA account and can't short GDX are you useing an inverse etf or fund and which one ?   Thanks   

Retirement Accounts

SPY swing system

Posted by airstream on 23rd of Jul 2010 at 04:42 pm

Thanks Matt    It is good to have signals for my retirement accounts as well as my tradeing portfolio .  I would like to see you set up a section for those trades like you have with the GDX  swing system . I have been  useing the GDX signals for a portion of my retirement money . This S&P signal is great  . I would appreciate a place on the site where I could check the signal daily.    Thanks and have a great weekend .

Thanks for posting your trades   cspirit    Do you have a  price target for this trade


SPX 30m

Posted by airstream on 11th of Jun 2010 at 02:50 pm

Great Chart    A break back above the 208 EMA by the 13 and 34 looks to me like a great place to get long for a swing trade . A good confirmation we run higher into July 4th if it happens . If we head back down then we add back in some shorts .     FWIW 


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