TICK 5 min with SPX.png I've

    Posted by matt on 13th of Apr 2009 at 01:58 pm

    I've been gone all morning to see the accountant, have some final tax things to take care of.  It doesn't look like I missed too much.  Here's a 5 min TICK chart with SPX, as you can see on the TICK went negative for a short term but then went back positive, and so did the market.   However today the market feels thin and a lot of traders are still on vacation.


    I also see that FEED has had a mammouth breakout on huge volume

    TICK chart

    Posted by bgwade on 13th of Apr 2009 at 02:16 pm

    Anyone - any idea how do get Matt's tick chart in TradeStation?


    TradeStation TICK

    Posted by rgoodwin on 13th of Apr 2009 at 02:22 pm

    bg - $TICK is the symbol. Then to add the 8MA - just put it in subgraph 2 - insert an analysis technique - Moving Average and set it to 8. Hope this helps.


    Posted by ralph on 13th of Apr 2009 at 03:00 pm

    You can also go to "style" in format and change the MA from line to histogram and also thicken the bars.


    Ralph - good mention -

    Posted by rgoodwin on 13th of Apr 2009 at 03:04 pm

    Ralph - good mention - I didn't think to mention that although I am set that way.


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