Wealth Lab Pro

    SRS 15min 9/39 System

    Posted by airstream on 13th of Apr 2009 at 01:29 pm

    I have downloaded but not really started useing wealth lab as I use Stockcharts.  Do  you or anyone else  know if Fidelity Wealth Lab pro can be set up to auto trade   Matt's      mechanical systems?

    yes you can trade mech sys

    Posted by billrosen on 13th of Apr 2009 at 01:42 pm

    yes you can trade mech sys with fidelity but you have to apply and go through an interview process and qualify w certain parameters, I did it but a pain in the ass

    Fidelity Auto Tradeing d

    Posted by airstream on 13th of Apr 2009 at 02:01 pm

    Thanks   Bill    After the work you went thru with Fidelity has it been worth it . Do you auto trade with them and is it paying off for you?

    I have not set up

    Posted by billrosen on 13th of Apr 2009 at 02:16 pm

    I have not set up my auto trading yet

    Fidelity Wealth Lab Pro

    Posted by mamaduck on 13th of Apr 2009 at 01:36 pm

    Yes, it can be set up to auto-trade. However, Fidelity will require a minimum of 500 trades in the last year to even allow you to auto-trade. Also fidelity has not had any SRS to short (for the last few months that I have been checking).

    But you can use the Wealth Lab Pro to trigger the signals that you are looking for and trade them manually.

    I opened a Trade Station Account for the sole purpose of trading the mechanical systems. Plus much better commission rates.

    so far it has been working well.

    pm me if you have any questions.


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