URE long

    Posted by airstream on 6th of Apr 2009 at 03:37 pm

    My URE long @ 3.02 is working nicely


    Posted by rgoodwin on 6th of Apr 2009 at 03:44 pm

    Indeed it is - held my position over from last week. I think this is a keeper and I intend to add more if one of the stsrtagies trigger again.

    hi robin, I agree that

    Posted by jlink on 6th of Apr 2009 at 04:43 pm

    hi robin, I agree that URE is going to be a winner for the next couple of months. But since buy-n-hold is not a good strategy for these ultra ETFs (given how they decide NAV), are you still planning to hold it for a period of time, say a couple of weeks or even longer?


    Posted by rgoodwin on 6th of Apr 2009 at 04:57 pm

    jlink - what I'd like to do is hold and add for a little while here using my strategy on the buy side for my IRA account. I think URE should be okay for a little while as we continue a climb overall. I don't plan to hold it for months - likely maybe just a couple/few weeks - as my position grows - it'll become something that I watch more closely on a daily basis.  It was kind of all over the board today and ended the day pretty flat overall. I'll try to remember to keep you posted on what I do with it. Feel free to ask.

    I would suggest that if

    Posted by dylan398 on 7th of Apr 2009 at 08:38 am

    I would suggest that if you want to swing trade....I'd buy and hold the IYR and short term trade the ulra ETF's around it...fwiw


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