Todays action

    Posted by matt on 25th of Mar 2009 at 02:07 pm

    well so far so good!  I hope some of you caught a Short to too!  the SRS and QLD 15 min EOD systems triggerd as did the SRS and SKF swing systems. 


    The 5 min SPX chart and Tick chart was also very good at telling you when to exit longs with they broke their uptrend lines


    TICK with SPX 5 min.png

    using the opposite ETF

    Posted by bkout3 on 25th of Mar 2009 at 02:34 pm

    My experience is that only backtesting can tell you whether going long the opposite ETF will give you the same results as shorting the "main" one. Sometimes the result is surprisingly different. So IMHO only take the opposite ETF if there are other reasons supporting the trade (like chart based S&R, divergences, Matt, rp, dr O etc).

    Thanks Matt, and a big

    Posted by bruce2 on 25th of Mar 2009 at 02:34 pm

    Thanks Matt, and a big thank you for those eod systems on the blog. Hope they stay permanately.


    Posted by gan_ on 25th of Mar 2009 at 02:10 pm

    Hope everyone is happy today... after all that frustrations on the blog earlier....!!


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