Funny... I have a bad habit of imagining what people I only know from email, or the phone, look like in real life. When I meet them, I always turn out to have been comically wrong (eg imagining dark curly hair when the person is blond and almost bald).


    RP looks almost exactly  as imagined he would.

    Now that is scary.

    Googling for images of unSane on the internet will only get you pictures of the excellent band but if you would like a clue of the kind of person I am, you can watch one of my helmetcam videos on youtube. 


    Spool forward to 2'30" for the scary part. Trading SKF has nothing on this.


    Posted by rgoodwin on 5th of Mar 2009 at 02:30 am

    you are insane sweetie! I had to hold on to my chair watching that!

    unsane Man what a ride! 

    Posted by vmath on 5th of Mar 2009 at 09:21 am

    unsane Man what a ride!  I guess trading stocks is pretty ho hum after that!  LOL

    nice video!

    Posted by Michael on 5th of Mar 2009 at 09:20 am

    nice video!


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