re: not only does he not say anything

    this is kinda funny

    Posted by rjdst on 2nd of Mar 2009 at 05:37 pm

    "Full steam ahead whether you like it or not..."  I'm pretty sure you just described the lastadministration to a 'T'.  Civil rights anyone?  Sorry, we don't think it's good for the country.   No WMD?... no worries, invade anyway.    Torture?  Ahhhh...we'll call it "ehanced interrogation techniques".  Yell


    And, there was nothing positive about Bush's oratory skills.  "simple and insecure"... is that what you want in the guy running the most powerful country in the world?  "Conciliatory" - as in "I earned capital in the campaign, political capital, and now I intend to spend it. It is my style."??   Yes, he was quite the eloquent consensus-builder...


    I'm an independent with a 60/40 dem/rep voting record.  The Obama bashing is pretty weak.   Guy's been in office a little over a month.  Expecting a recovery to start in a month?  No person, no action is going to turn this around until it works itself out.  Seems more constructive to whine about the knuckleheads who got us into this mess. 

    "The knucleheads who got us

    Posted by brophy on 3rd of Mar 2009 at 09:11 am

    "The knucleheads who got us in this mess"...many are still in Congress sitting in on the pony shows bashing everbody else (think Barnie Frank, Chris Dodd)

    The only thing the Dems need is an economics class...Treasury Secretary where are you when we need an explanation? These are scary times when those at the helm are clueless...

    I respect your opinion

    Posted by delane on 2nd of Mar 2009 at 05:56 pm

    thanks for sharing.  I hope that you respect mine as well 


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