that is safe to go long is financials and a couple of chip players.  UYG  whats your down side risk?  not much...I think the administration is now so arrogant and prideful that they will not stop at anything to make the banks work, come hell or high water.  What they should have done is make them fail, but they will throw money and then discount the return until thebanks are all sitting pretty again.  This administration is so scarey.  the good thing is this financial package was presented in time for us taxpayers to VOTE OUT the Congress in two years, before they vote YES to this obama package.  JUST MY OPINION, and not to offend anyone, who does not agree with me, as prob most dont agree with me. :)

    Now you are scared?

    Posted by captmet on 26th of Feb 2009 at 10:48 pm

    How can this be scary?? The last administration went to war on a lie and did not pay for it. Left the entire country bankrupt with a trillion dollar deficit. Ruined the international reputation of the the USA. You are in good hands, rest easy.

    In good hands? I would

    Posted by brophy on 27th of Feb 2009 at 09:35 am

    In good hands? I would suggest you read a little something on what or does not make for a strong economy..taxing and spending on every program you have been dreaming about for 40 years (democrats) does not..(even B. Clinton kew enough about that!  get ready for slower growth and slower coming out of recession...think just taxing the wealthy are going to pay for all these programs? not bloody likely! Do some reading my friend on economics as Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid never have...


    Posted by elliotzp on 27th of Feb 2009 at 02:18 am

    LOL   LOL  LOL


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