
    Posted by hornsant on 13th of Feb 2009 at 05:11 pm

    The mkt is no longer acting like a mkt, it is rather a TA lab environment because there are no investors to give it a sense of direction. Triangles, wedges, channels, you name it. This started when we had to trade off political decisions about the mkt made in Washington, and until now and in the forseeable future there will be more uncertanty because Washington's meetings will be increasingly decisive in the mkt's price action. Untill Washington is out of the way there will not be investors arround... and we will miss them bad. Because TA can help you understand the mkt but TA will never be the mkt. Markets are made by suply and demand not by Washington and TA...Just my way of looking at it and if someone does not agree it's fine because I do not hold the absolut truth.

    who dun it??

    Posted by captmet on 13th of Feb 2009 at 07:59 pm

    We all wish Washington was not involved. Can not ignore the reason for their involvement........good ole free market Wall Street ruined the entire world economy and then went begging for a bailout. 



    who dun it??

    Posted by captmet on 13th of Feb 2009 at 07:49 pm

    We all wish Washington was not involved. Can not ignore the reason for their involvement........good ole free market Wall Street ruined the entire world economy and then went begging for a bailout. 



    I think that's true. It's

    Posted by unsane on 13th of Feb 2009 at 05:15 pm

    I think that's true. It's more like a game of chess than anything at the moment.

    Yes, it's a game of

    Posted by junkmaylbox on 13th of Feb 2009 at 06:01 pm

    Yes, it's a game of "buy support and sell resistance positioning yourself on the short side", until further notice.


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