Tradestation market close

    Posted by dbray740 on 2nd of Feb 2009 at 03:28 pm

    Hi All - I'm sure this has been touched on in the past, but I can't find comments on it when I search the blog. Tradestation seems to think that the "Regular Session" is 9:30 am to 4:30 pm Eastern (and probably rightly so). Is there an easy way to make it stop at 4:00 pm Eastern? I see that I can customize the session. Is that the best way to go about it, or is there a simpler way? Thanks! And I hope you all made a boatload today. :)

    Tradestation Session

    Posted by rgoodwin on 2nd of Feb 2009 at 03:40 pm

    I have created a custom session so that I can use the normal sessions for backtetsting etc. If you just want to change the regular session it is easy enough to do. Just click on Use Custom Session then change the time periods on one of the supplied custom sessions. Any questions, let me know - I'd be happy to walk you through.

    my regular session has always

    Posted by Michael on 2nd of Feb 2009 at 03:33 pm

    my regular session has always closed at 4:00.

    TS Sessions

    Posted by rgoodwin on 2nd of Feb 2009 at 04:57 pm

    Michael, I think that is true except for the ETF's - at least MOST of the ETF's we use around here. And those close at 4:15 under the regular session.

    changing trading hours for TS

    Posted by ralph on 2nd of Feb 2009 at 05:09 pm

    To get a consistant 4 pm close in TS, I went to "sessions"' "other sessions" clicked on US stock w/premarket "modify" and eliminated all the premarket sessions, leaving only the daily sessions.  I use this as my default.  It closes all ETFs at 4pm.  Hope thei helps.


    Correction: My regular session ends

    Posted by dbray740 on 2nd of Feb 2009 at 03:44 pm

    Correction: My regular session ends at 4:15 each day (not sure why).

    for everything, or for the

    Posted by Michael on 2nd of Feb 2009 at 03:46 pm

    for everything, or for the ultra ETFs? 


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