Title: Housing

    finam -- I was being

    Posted by Michael on 2nd of Feb 2009 at 11:41 am

    finam -- I was being sarcastic about good news for housing.  I expect this to be worse than the Great Depression.  Over and over I hear commentators say, well, unlike the Great Depression there won't be  unemployed people lining up in the streets for food..................I think, wait a few years.  Some states are running out of money for unemployment benefits already.  

    That same guy then went on to say that people who buy stocks now will be well rewarded in a few years.  I am expecting that there will more likely be riots in the streets in a few years.

    Greater Depression

    Posted by rgoodwin on 2nd of Feb 2009 at 12:02 pm

    michael, 100% agree. When deflation lets up, load up on non perishables as this may be the only way to make money - you bought it for $3 now sell it for $5 while at the store it is $10. I am most concerned as to the civil unrest we are likely to see. If your house looks like there may be something in it worth stealing then look out. Folks will do what they need to do to eat, have shelter, and provide for families. Unlike the 30's, I don't think people today would be nearly as patient or tolerant. Many people think nothing of killing someone for anything. One's imagination can go wild on the "what if" - it's all very scary.

    Robin -- yep.  I'm hoping

    Posted by Michael on 2nd of Feb 2009 at 12:28 pm

    Robin -- yep.  I'm hoping gold goes back to around 600 - 650 sometime this year.  If it does, I'm a buyer of more physical gold.       The whole thing is wierd because I remember the survivalist wave in the seventies, with people forecasting economic collapse.  And now here it actually is.


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