SPX 30 min chart.png Dow 30 min chart.png so

    Posted by matt on 26th of Jan 2009 at 04:30 pm

    so here's two potential patterns on the market, one is a bearish descending triangle, one is a complex H&S.  Which one is right?  They both are until the market makes its move. 


    Steve Nelson will be doing tonights update

    Matt, So a close above

    Posted by junkmaylbox on 26th of Jan 2009 at 04:50 pm

    Matt, So a close above 852 will confirm the bullish scenario? Also, how much upside could this market realistically have? I am positioned on a short side with a swing position now. Thanks for your information and your constant intraday updates. I really appreciate your postings, they do hep me with my trades.


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