
    Posted by glennsexton on 23rd of Jan 2009 at 11:51 am

    keeps going volume is unreal

    On top of GLD breaking

    Posted by Vida on 23rd of Jan 2009 at 12:16 pm

    On top of GLD breaking out, just noticed that the 34/233 EMAs fpr the daily chart crossed a few days ago. Unfortunately my Ninja chart was off, so didn't see it till today (checked stockcharts). These EMAs are from another member's system that Matt mentioned.

    GLD 34/233 EMA

    Posted by kpolzin on 23rd of Jan 2009 at 12:54 pm

    Don't be surprised if the 34 EMA is back tested.

    Right, thanks. Would be a

    Posted by Vida on 23rd of Jan 2009 at 01:11 pm

    Right, thanks. Would be a good point to add to positions. Will keep an eye on it.

    892 seems to be a

    Posted by homer on 23rd of Jan 2009 at 12:13 pm

    892 seems to be a key level to watch, above that now but pulling back from the highs.  I tend to doubt the mining stocks will be able to decouple if we get a real wave 5 down move in the stock market....  gold itself may be another story though...

    Market breakdown

    Posted by junkmaylbox on 23rd of Jan 2009 at 12:08 pm

    We may see a market breakdown as early as Monday next week then.


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