nice job bosco on trading those mean reversion systems and buying that dip this morning!

    and nothing new to report-

    Posted by matt on 11th of Sep 2024 at 01:07 pm

    and nothing new to report-  the three open SPY and MES mean reversion systems remain open - no exit yet

    Trend/Pullback on both SPY and MES, and RSI 40 on MES

    remember for those of you who don't trade futures you can substitute a SPY related ETF in place or options

    As you know we entered most of these mean reversion systems on Friday, which was technically the 2nd entry, we avoided the first. In hindsight I wish I had treated that entry on Friday as a second entry (meaning SSO instead of SPY or double the MES contracts)  or sent out an order to add to those positions this morning on the dump

    GOOGL mean reversion went long yesterday, well volatility system technically, and a Demark 13 yesterday, so I don't mind that trade

    BtheFnD And buy inflation. Inflation party

    Posted by bthefnd on 11th of Sep 2024 at 01:07 pm


    And buy inflation. Inflation party going on right here - a celebration that lasts throughout the year! 


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