The further thought being ... you could create a WhatsApp group for each High Perf system. When someone clicks a particular system as a favorite, they would get added to that particular group. For privacy, WhatsApp does allow you to hide participants. Again, food for thought, but may be worth the investigation if you're staring at a $2K/mo operating cost for SMS.

    yeah we're going to check

    Posted by matt on 22nd of Aug 2024 at 10:16 am

    yeah we're going to check it out.  I could see the SMS costs running into the $2000 to $3000 range per month, which is beyond ridiculous honestly 

    Yeah, that's insane that the

    Posted by oreo on 22nd of Aug 2024 at 11:10 am

    Yeah, that's insane that the cell providers want that kind of money on the SMS messages. 

    My daughter was in Africa for Peace Corps and we found that the telcos would charge $5/min to talk and some crazy messaging fee. So we basically lived on WhatsApp for a couple years to communicate which cost nothing...

    A private members only discord

    Posted by swamii2021 on 22nd of Aug 2024 at 10:41 am

    A private members only discord feed would be awesome.  And more cost effective. Just an idea. 


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