again I'll be adding more things in the future over time. It takes me a bet to run my tests on one stock/ETF because I like to test multiple time frames and I run the tests in states - so it takes a lot of testing and looking through data before I pick a version.  I don't just look at profit factor and winning %, those are nice, but I always go and physically look through the chart, look at the past trades over years and years in order to confirm they are trades that make sense.  I've seen plenty of strategies with good PF and winning percentage in the main stats, but then when you go and look at the trades on the chart and find trades that make no sense (no way you would hold through that, that's why you have to really drill into the data. I've done this for so many years I"m very good at that, but it's extremely tedious. It's like counting individual hay straws in a hay stack - you can do it for a while, then you have to take a break from it because your brain hurts.   

    That's also why my creative phases in system building go in stages. I go through periods where I'm extremely prolific where ideas and strategies all come up with me at once, then I go through dry periods.  It's like an artist who paints, or a writer - they go through periods where they have extreme productively, then they go back to base level for a while

    Thanks, Matt, for all of

    Posted by tradeit007 on 14th of Aug 2024 at 03:19 pm

    Thanks, Matt, for all of your hard work. Your data is unique in the industry.

    Matt - I agree this

    Posted by patellee on 14th of Aug 2024 at 04:16 pm

    Matt - I agree this data is unique.  You should require folks to log in and have a membership to be able to see this stuff.  While you can't participate in the community or set favorites without logging in, the data is still tremendously valuable.


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