I'm hearing a lot of

    Posted by DigiNomad on 30th of Jul 2024 at 12:55 pm

    I'm hearing a lot of "Don't worry, Kamala is just the next puppet they are installing since Joe got found out at the debate (as if people didn't know Joe had dementia before). It's all going to be the same."  Meanwhile, people have been digging into Kamala's record just in case she goes rouge and finding out that when she was in the senate she was ranked the most liberal senator in the Senate...above everyone else you would think would get that title. I believe Senators are actually ranked by a Gov agency on a spectrum of liberal to conservative based on voting records but I could be wrong about that (they are ranked by someone). Anyway, when asked directly about it back then, she didn't argue the label.  

    I think everyone has fingers crossed for the puppet outcome, but needing to plan for the probability that she gives them the middle finger once elected and goes full Kamala (e.g. pulls a Kennedy like the 1960's).  I don't think this is political - it's intended to be market commentary (the voting record is verifiable, etc). I really do think the change in circumstances (bad debate, missed assassination, change in candidate, etc) is what has the market unsettled. 

    Kamala is very similar to

    Posted by mla127 on 30th of Jul 2024 at 01:11 pm

    Kamala is very similar to Trudeau up here ...   so look what we got here, the mess we are in ... and you can easily extrapolate where you will be ....  although the US political system has more safeguards against lunatics than ours ... ours is pretty much a "4 year dictatorship"  that you get with a majority government ... and even a minority as we see it now. 

    More politics. Ugh!

    Posted by brophy on 30th of Jul 2024 at 01:09 pm

    More politics. Ugh!


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