Hi Matt/Steve, A question about the

    Posted by eddiegold on 23rd of Jul 2024 at 08:47 am

    Hi Matt/Steve,

    A question about the KISS,Vix,SPY systems.

    How can we reconcile the three? The SPY system says up, the KISS system says flat and VIX system says up which should mean spy down (right?).  Is it basically a different timeline? I.e. QE momo will play out in a few days, the vix will play out over several weeks and KISS will kick back in once the chop ends and the trend starts again?

    One does not reconcile the

    Posted by steveo on 23rd of Jul 2024 at 09:36 am

    One does not reconcile the 3, but I think the VIX is saying SPY up, BTW, I am cautious at this point.    Paid for my BPT memebership for over a year on the Trend/Pullback long, but really dont want to give it back LOL, ouch.

    Ouch? the market is up.

    Posted by matt on 23rd of Jul 2024 at 09:49 am

    Ouch? the market is up.  Again the official website trades are the mean reversion systems and KISS systems - SPY and ES systems went long last Friday.  I posted the QQQ volatilty system on Friday so if anyone happened to take that you did very well and can close it out now for a profit - hell even if you took the trade on Monday morning on the gap up you did very well - otherwise VIX systems are not emailed out at this time

    and hopefully you played more than just the Trend/Pullback mean reversion systems - there has been very few signals this year because of the strong market trend, the KISS systems nailed most of the uptrend this year so hopefull you played some of those and some other trade ideas here 

    maybe I'm still confused by your question which I apologize for - feel free to send me a private message here, I can talk to you on the phone later or we can do a quick Zoom callto answer your questions if I'm not covering them here

    for clarity the volatlity systems

    Posted by matt on 23rd of Jul 2024 at 09:54 am

    for clarity the volatlity systems for SPY and DIA went long yesterday not short - as the volatlity instrument for those ETF's (VIX and VXD) closed back insider their upper Bollinger Bands.  Short signals occur when those volatity instruments are trading below their respective Bollinger Bands and close back inside.  recent signals were longs, not shorts

    Hi Matt, Thanks for the detailed

    Posted by eddiegold on 23rd of Jul 2024 at 01:41 pm

    Hi Matt,

    Thanks for the detailed response (and Steve's too).  The link for the private message did not work (but would be happy to talk anytime) so I will try and clarify my question:

    - I did not enter any VIX trade, I just wanted to understand the signal. I do use the KISS systems and I take the SPY reversion trades regularly.

    - It is my understanding that SPX/VIX usually move counter to each other. Hence, me saying "VIX system says up which should mean spy down". Steve commented in a different thread that that was wrong and the the signal is actually SPX up.  So my clarification question is actually two fold:

    1. Was the alert (when it was sent) a LONG VIX alert?

    2. Am I correct  that a LONG VIX means short SPX and vice versa?

    Thanks guys and thank you for your great mechanical systems!

    p.s. (unrelated) I still do not understand how you draw a demand zone. "Demand zones are formed by a break of structure and revert to back to the origin". I saw it appearing in several newsletters but I still do not get it.  i.e. I can figure the BOS (mostly) but I do not understand the revert to origin part.

    Eddie - it was a

    Posted by steve on 23rd of Jul 2024 at 02:00 pm

    Eddie - it was a not a long VIX alert (it was a SPX long alert based upon the VIX moving DOWN below it's upper BB).  Kind of confusing on the surface but make sure you listen to the Newsletter as this was discussed.  

    Thanks to all you guys

    Posted by srusso1 on 23rd of Jul 2024 at 02:06 pm

    Thanks to all you guys I'm out of here gone to the green river UT. Canyonlands'  see you in 2 weeks.

    Enjoy srusso1

    Posted by steve on 23rd of Jul 2024 at 02:11 pm

    Enjoy srusso1

    Hello Eddigold - the VIX

    Posted by matt on 23rd of Jul 2024 at 09:17 am

    Hello Eddigold - the VIX systems I discussed yesterday are the default Stockcharts one that uses Bolinger Bands of 20/2 settings.  This also works well for the VVIX, however I didn't discuss the stats for the VVIX Bollinger Band system, but they are very similar to the VIX / BB stats

    The volatilty systems that I have coded in Tradestation use different settings for Bollinger Bands.  I discussed what the stats were with the default 20/2 settings used on Stockcharts, however the various stats I showed here and last night were ofcuston settings for SPY, and DIA, and QQQ.  

    The custom SPY Vix BB system triggered yesterday as did the standard default setting for Stockcharts.  The DIA also triggered, and the QQQ triggered on Friday.

    I posted the QQQ volatility system on Friday and discussed it on the weekend, and I posted the SPY and DIA yesterday and discussed them - that said, remember I don't email these out as system trades for the website at this time - I posted them for informational purposes. If you choose to do one or more of these that's your choice but they are not communicated in real time here for official website system trades at this time. 

    These also close out the trade after price closes above a short term moving average such as the 8 SMA or or 9 SMA, it varies depending on the backtested seettings.  There's also a trailing stop that can kick in that wills use the previous day's lows for a stop.

    anyway in case you or anyone took one or more of these trades, I'll communicate what the do, when they close out etc

    otherwise in the future if I add these 12 volatility sytemes, I'll have a section on the website with stats and the exact trade rules etc.

    eddie - first of all

    Posted by steve on 23rd of Jul 2024 at 09:07 am

    eddie - first of all make sure you listen to ALL THE NEWSLETTERS - Matt discussed all this last evening so please take time to review asap.  Also, the VIX moved below it's  upper BB which produces a buy SPX signal (opposite of what you posted). 

    Best to view all such systems as mutually exclusive and follow your plan. 


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