Can't stop won't stop ....

    SPX 10m ... 

    Posted by mla127 on 11th of Jun 2024 at 11:06 am

    Can't stop won't stop ....    buy like your life depends on it ...  lol

    again the can't stop won't

    Posted by matt on 11th of Jun 2024 at 11:18 am

    again the can't stop won't stop and the money printing thesis I get that and there's some merit to it. But is not a trading plan strategy. I worry sometimes that statements like that cause a false sense of security for novices who might be here who then decide they don't need stops or exit plans because they now think the market will always go up  no matter what. Correlations work for a long time until they don't. When the economy implodes or a strong recession there will be a strong correction. Otherwise why not just shut down BPT, tell everyone to hold every long, never worry about any dip because it will always go up - that's not a strategy 

    well...LOL that's the strategy of places like Edward Jones (where my brother has his money for some reason won't listen to me LOL) all they do is buy a basket of things and rebalance - I told Jeff, man you can do that yourself and save the 1.5% fees - they do no market timing why pay the fees. 

    I call places like Edward Jones the 'Walmart of Investment Advisors' LOL. the quality of their service sucks. And I don't see how they can call themselves a fiduciary. A fiduciary is supposed to place your funds in the best instruments for you and with the lowest costs, NOT in things that make them the most commission.

    Case in point - my brother had my mom put in money in AG Edwards against my choice, and they put her money into an annuity - not an indexed annuity that doesn't drop in down years, but in a variable annuity - during 2022 her account was down 28%, it's now back up - however that damn annuity has her money locked up for 7 years with something like an 8% penalty if you take they money out.  

    The broker got a big fat commission check for doing that. The annuity they put her in is a loaded fund and only A rated - when there's other annuities that are AAA rated with NO load and NO lock in period exit fees - hence he's NOT a fiduciary - he did that for the big fat commission!

    I got into a huge yelling match with the guy when I found out-  maybe I should have recoded to play for you guys LOL

    anyway stuff like that pisses me off to no end

    the Walmart of Investment Advisors,

    Posted by morton7 on 12th of Jun 2024 at 02:24 pm

    the Walmart of Investment Advisors, that is classic!!!  yes annuities should be outlawed.  in a previous position my boss wanted me and another co-worker to get our license to sell annuities and we both said no....i left the company not too long afterwards....

    I had a relative recently

    Posted by DigiNomad on 12th of Jun 2024 at 02:28 pm

    I had a relative recently ask me to review an annuity offer they had for over 8% annually, for life. I was blown away at first.  Then I realized we're talking about a couple in their mid 80's. Haha.  Well, they might get the last laugh because they have longevity on their side bigtime and are in perfect health still (the offeror is obviously playing the numbers and offering them a larger than normal rate during their lifetimes...because they figure it's almost over).

    Thanks Matt for Sharing that.  I

    Posted by fluffycone on 11th of Jun 2024 at 11:47 am

    Thanks Matt for Sharing that. 

    I have learned that these "Financial Advisors (Salesmen)" are "Blood sucking vampire squids".  -- Rolling Stone Article.

    They are scamming hardworking people out of their retirement savings, especially our elderly.

    Clark Howard's Financial Advisor Warning:

    You're not going to get

    Posted by DigiNomad on 11th of Jun 2024 at 11:52 am

    You're not going to get an argument from me. I left Merrill many years ago because they wouldn't allow me to trade or do much analysis. The focus was 100% on bringing in new money and the quarterly targets are no joke. They are happy to show you the door if missing targets and keep your clients because of the NCA's you sign when onboarding...with a friendly smile, of course.  

    Here's a good test when working with an advisor - ask them if they will set stop loss orders for you. Many won't and can't. They'll tell you it's a bad idea, but it's just impossible for most of them to have that level of involvement in portfolios and still achieve sales targets.  

    DigiNoman, I know.  Just venting. Matt,   If

    Posted by fluffycone on 12th of Jun 2024 at 02:09 pm

    DigiNoman, I know.  Just venting.

    If you agree with this video segment, ask you mom to review the video at the mark 24:32 on "Ask Clark: Fee only advisor for Lower Income".

    Very few fiduciary advisors will

    Posted by DigiNomad on 12th of Jun 2024 at 02:16 pm

    Very few fiduciary advisors will touch a sub 50k account.  Most have minimums around 500k.  If they do make an exception, give them a break if they don't call you a lot and won't execute BPT's STS strategy on your portfolio while you sit at the pool. Have 5 million? Then yes, you are starting to enter the territory where you can make requests like that (but the answer will still mostly be no). It just doesn't make sense for an advisor to spend personalized time on a 50k portfolio when charging .5% to 1.5% AUM fee...he/she would do much better working at a California McDonalds.
    Non fiduciary advisors will scoop up the 50k accounts though. They mostly just stick everyone in a vanilla portfolio and move on the the next sale. 

    DigiNomad, Thank you for this

    Posted by fluffycone on 12th of Jun 2024 at 02:21 pm

    DigiNomad, Thank you for this insight.

    Hard to sell annuities and/or

    Posted by DigiNomad on 11th of Jun 2024 at 11:27 am

    Hard to sell annuities and/or life insurance products and still call yourself a fiduciary. I know some of my fellow CFP's do it, but I don't understand how they navigate the grey area.  Am I qualified to sell annuities and life insurance  products and do I still  take the annual CE required to sell these products? Of course. But it seems pretty clearly not a grey area by my interpretation of the fiduciary rules. However, like most things in finance, it's a self certifying, self policing type of thing (unless someone makes a complaint...then it gets real).

    As far as can't stop, won't stop - it has worked for the better part of 15 years now. It's been so long that most working don't have any memory of the lost decade that came before the money printing ramp. And now, our leaders have taken away the Gov's credit limit and neither side indicates any urge to slow fact, the talk is about accelerating spending. So, it has been different this time....and I think it might continue to be different. They are enriching the rich and destroying the middle class...and the masses are cheering them, oblivious to what's really going on. All we can do is buy as much as possible and hope we have enough assets accumulated to keep up with the madness. If you're just starting out without a pile of assets to play the game, it's going to be very tough to both accumulate and keep pace with the debasement. 


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