$BTCUSD  ... I though I


    Posted by mla127 on 20th of Dec 2023 at 10:06 am

    $BTCUSD  ... I though I got suckered in my new BITO position yesterday ...  but looks good now ;) 

    BTCUSD - Now I know

    Posted by mla127 on 2nd of Jan 2024 at 11:26 am

    BTCUSD - Now I know why that pop fizzled ....   make sense !


    BTCUSD - Cramer's comments yesterday

    Posted by mla127 on 3rd of Jan 2024 at 09:36 am

    BTCUSD - Cramer's comments yesterday is settling in I guess .... like clockwork ... lol 

    ha ha Crammer never disappoints

    Posted by matt on 3rd of Jan 2024 at 09:38 am

    ha ha Crammer never disappoints

    BTC - There seems to

    Posted by DigiNomad on 2nd of Jan 2024 at 01:08 pm

    BTC - There seems to be no consideration for the SEC not approving BTC ETF's.  We might have riots if they listen to Jamie Dimon and don't approve again (or ever).

    *I think the SEC legal team got themselves stuck and will approve - but probably onerous rules of some kind. My 20 years of experience in Fed Gov experience leads me to believe they're probably kicking around a lot of ideas to escape.  Gov HATES admitting they were wrong, but in this case I bet they are considering an admission that they screwed up when they approved BTC Futures but don't want to layer on mistakes by approving ETF's.  We typically played the national security card when we found ourselves backed into a corner like this. 

    The amount of garbage leveraged

    Posted by mla127 on 2nd of Jan 2024 at 01:42 pm

    The amount of garbage leveraged ETN the SEC approved, and many blew up ... (Paging Credit suisse and it's levraged inverse  VIX ETN  here) ...  to not approve a Bitcoin ETF has to be another reason than "protecting" investors ... 'cause I don't think they care that much about that ...

    The reason "they" might give,

    Posted by DigiNomad on 2nd of Jan 2024 at 01:54 pm

    The reason "they" might give, as Yellen, Gensler et al have said often in the past, is that they don't want to enable or improve prospects for terrorist financing. The real reason they don't want it, IMO, is because of the risk that it will start being used for transactions as it gains wider acceptance after explicit Gov approval (right now Gov approval is only lightly implied).  It isn't used for transactions much now but the pipes are in place for that to happen.  If people save and, more importantly transact in BTC or ETH, they will have effectively skirted around the real dollar siphon that is attached to the USD savings via monetary policy.  Monetary and fiscal authorities skimmed 30% off our savings in the last few years to fund every crazy idea that came down the pipe (we see it as reduced purchasing power).  That's a lot of power that they aren't going to want to risk giving up....even if only a small fraction of people realize investing and transacting in other than USD is a way of around having their savings funneled off by monetary and fiscal policy. 

    best way to kill a

    Posted by matt on 2nd of Jan 2024 at 11:28 am

    best way to kill a rally uptrend is to have Crammer get on board and tout it


    Posted by stoclady on 2nd of Jan 2024 at 01:43 pm



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