Pre market Thursday

    Posted by matt on 6th of Jul 2023 at 09:08 am

    US futures were trading down overnight then had an acceleration down this morning, and a negative reaction to the economic news.  Currently ES futures are down -37,, they were 44 points at the low.

    regardless of any news catalyst we know that the market was vulerable to this pullback with the evidence I've been presenting: the pinching Bollinger Bands, the NYAD divergence, the MACD divergence on the major indexes etc. 

    we'll see where things settle after the gap down, if it finds support or ends up being a trend day down. One target would be filling the recent open gap on the cash SPX

    Matt, just want to say

    Posted by timebandit on 6th of Jul 2023 at 09:19 am

    Matt, just want to say your observations have been very helpful. 

    thanks! ha ha - I know

    Posted by matt on 6th of Jul 2023 at 09:33 am


    ha ha - I know it's almost akin to blasphemy to talk about a pulllback in this market, but the evidence over the last couple days was pretty clear and it's my job to point those things out


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