3309 Drysdale Ct
Edwardsville, IL 62025
Let me know when JPM get's to it's 200 DMA so i can close my short there and move it to TQQQ. Doubt that's today but the day is long.
Pennies away from 200 sma on JPM
interesting how charts are different: on Stockcharts JPM chart is adjusted for dividends and splits and is much farther from the 200 MA
on Stockcharts: symbol JPM 200 MA is 124.07, while price is 126.38
plotting _JPM which doesn't adjust for dividends etc 200 MA is 125.3, price is 126.38
so take your pick which one to use LOL one is almost there, one is still 2 bucks away
I don't know if most charting services adjust for dividends or not - I guess it depends on what chart most of the public is seeing that matters more LOL
yep it's sucking on price
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Let me know when JPM
Posted by fredsaid on 17th of Mar 2023 at 10:27 am
Let me know when JPM get's to it's 200 DMA so i can close my short there and move it to TQQQ. Doubt that's today but the day is long.
Pennies away from 200 sma
Posted by watcdy on 17th of Mar 2023 at 10:37 am
Pennies away from 200 sma on JPM
interesting how charts are different:
Posted by matt on 17th of Mar 2023 at 10:39 am
interesting how charts are different: on Stockcharts JPM chart is adjusted for dividends and splits and is much farther from the 200 MA
on Stockcharts: symbol JPM 200 MA is 124.07, while price is 126.38
plotting _JPM which doesn't adjust for dividends etc 200 MA is 125.3, price is 126.38
so take your pick which
Posted by matt on 17th of Mar 2023 at 10:42 am
so take your pick which one to use LOL one is almost there, one is still 2 bucks away
I don't know if most charting services adjust for dividends or not - I guess it depends on what chart most of the public is seeing that matters more LOL
yep it's sucking on price
Posted by matt on 17th of Mar 2023 at 10:29 am
yep it's sucking on price