Posted by DigiNomad on 24th of Feb 2023 at 02:04 pm
watchdy - I'm assuming you're using Bloomberg or something like
it for quotes? But, in real life, how do you get that yield?
This very minute you can go on IBKR and buy a t-bill expiring
Aug 17 and issued last week for 97.7. Using my handy dandy treasury
calc ( that
comes out to 4.72% annualized yield to maturity.) Is
the ~25 point basis cut just because it was issued a week ago?
*sorry, new to buying bonds directly and simply
relying on very stale b school knowledge of the subject.
watchdy - I'm assuming you're
TSYs. 3 month is 4.84. 6 ...
Posted by DigiNomad on 24th of Feb 2023 at 02:04 pm
watchdy - I'm assuming you're using Bloomberg or something like it for quotes? But, in real life, how do you get that yield?
This very minute you can go on IBKR and buy a t-bill expiring Aug 17 and issued last week for 97.7. Using my handy dandy treasury calc ( that comes out to 4.72% annualized yield to maturity.) Is the ~25 point basis cut just because it was issued a week ago? *sorry, new to buying bonds directly and simply relying on very stale b school knowledge of the subject.
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MS has the quotes on
Posted by watcdy on 24th of Feb 2023 at 02:06 pm
MS has the quotes on their machines - You can check with Bloomberg too I guess
A while back I tried to buy thru TS bought they couldn’t help so I went to Morgan I m sure Merrill can do same