simple answer - because they are self serving individuals who are talking their books in the short term and not fully understanding (or caring) about the caustic effects of inflation over the longer term.

    No one wants the US Gov to have a debt crisis (that's what I mean by talking their books) and the Gov takes advantage of that fear by demonizing anyone who proposes caps on debt.  We're basically screwed because no one even proposes various line item spending as ridiculous anymore.   *In my previous life I was a DAWIA Level III Contracting Officer (Google it) running the policy departement for a Federal agency with a ~1.5 billion per year annual contract spend.  Spending is more out of control than you can possibly imagine, unless you happen to have a similar background. 

    Seems like DAWIA's are going

    Posted by robkitch on 20th of Feb 2023 at 11:02 pm

    Seems like DAWIA's are going strong in this current Ukraine environment. But the camel is heavy laden.


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