mrbass77- again to keep it simple, I report the ES trades as MES futures, not as ETF's - you guys who don't trade futures will be taking the ETF's instead and track your entry prices on your own.  The ES/MES bar closes at 5 pm, one hr after the cash markets -therefore any ES systems trades where one simply buys one of the SPY related ETF's in place of futures, all have to be bought in after hrs, which means the entry price I show is not as simple as just a close. It's just cleaner and easier for me to just post the ES trades as ES or MES. 

    but you guys - again you can simply substitute one of the SPY related ETF's in place of futures. I don't show ETF' trades for the ES trades so I don't show an open SH trade, I show MES. 

    again I think those following the systems should trade both the SPY and ES signals because of the averaging affect and you get more trade opportunities. Folks who don't trade the ES systems signals because they don't trade futures, I think miss out on a lot of this effect


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