I saw a question about buying the gap but I don't see it now

    Posted by matt on 15th of Nov 2022 at 08:26 am

    anyway, today wouldn't be the traditional breakaway gap for the SPX because price isn't gapping over a downtrend line

    otherwise remember PPI here very shortly, we'll see if futures further strengthen or weaken after that

    Remember as I stated in the newsletter last night, we viewed that pullback yesterday as a wave 4 of some degree, now is it over or could it still take a couple days to unfold is the question

    otherwise as far as the gap - assuming we still get one after the PPI, monitor to see how the gap holds - if it's a gap and go trend day where price gaps and holds the gap and gets strongly all morning, generally you can tell within the 1st 10 to 15 min. 

    anyway PPI in 4 min now

    again as far as the

    Posted by matt on 15th of Nov 2022 at 08:40 am

    again as far as the gap on the cash - watch to see how it holds the 1st 10 or 15 min, will it turn into a trend type of day or gap and then fade


    My guess is gap n

    Posted by fredsaid on 15th of Nov 2022 at 08:56 am

    My guess is gap n go for sure.   Now we need the meme stocks to play along and then the super short should come in at BTC's broken trendline -$19000 ?

    initial reaction caused ES futures

    Posted by matt on 15th of Nov 2022 at 08:31 am

    initial reaction caused ES futures to jump 25 points


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