SPX I'm here singing that

    Posted by fundamentalvalues on 17th of Oct 2022 at 09:51 am

    SPX I'm here singing that famous song, "they got short in the hole into all time record bearishness"   

    Wish it wasn't a gap unfortunately, Oz will let us know if they are going to hold it up and run for the 3,744.52 gap or back down to the 3,583.07. Morgan Stanley out saying today S&P can go to 4,000 on inflation bull trap. That's funny last week they said it was going 5% lower, we are talking days apart here. Just hilarious. "It's the same ol'situation" 

    yep exactly. plus things like

    Posted by matt on 17th of Oct 2022 at 10:20 am

    yep exactly. plus things like sentiment and all the action in the options market with all big bets in the puts, and news (UK etc) help create moves like this

    and remember we still had that higher low potential with that symmetry break relative to the Oct 5th high. Also the MACD divergence on daily and 1/2 day and divergence, and pos div on the SPX McClellan. 

    this morning so far price retested the downtrend channel line and found initial resistance there, however if this ends up being at trend day it would likely break it. my thoughts is that we have a higher low for now and if price retests that trendline again this morning price will probably break through it

    Right !   "C'mon and

    Posted by fredsaid on 17th of Oct 2022 at 10:00 am

    Right !   "C'mon and squeeze me, Mommas got a squeeze box, daddy never get's no rest". KC and the Sunshine band.  Gap and go in the wrong direction...heck I hope they take it to 3744 today.   Good grief.   Lot much more $$$ to be made shorting from higher up.

    Umm, that's The Who...never to

    Posted by mugsy on 17th of Oct 2022 at 10:06 am

    Umm, that's The Who...never to be confused with KC

    Wow.  All these years lol.

    Posted by fredsaid on 17th of Oct 2022 at 10:40 am

    Wow.  All these years lol.  Thanks!

    yes, the market is like

    Posted by matt on 17th of Oct 2022 at 10:47 am

    yes, the market is like Stretch Armstrong - too prone to get too stretched, then snaps back violently 


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