Trading encouragement and tips. Gareth

    Posted by fundamentalvalues on 27th of Jul 2022 at 08:48 am

    Trading encouragement and tips. Gareth lost about $300k before becoming a consistent trader who makes a great living. His story and tips in this interview. I found it worthwhile:

    I remember almost quitting too at one point with trading, so glad I didn't. Being a part of this community is so helpful for improving the learning curve. Great habits and strategies bear repeating. I need the reminders and the perspective of others as well who have succeeded for years. Then I form strategies that are my own. There were times I got sick of hearing and sometimes still do, adjust until EVIDENCE changes. 

    I would complain and blame when I wasn't getting my desired result. These days, I'm neutral, I simply obey the price action during a given day or days. No more having to be married to a bullish or bearish view for me. Freeing and I make consistent money. 

    Yes, I saw Gareth on

    Posted by bosco on 27th of Jul 2022 at 10:15 am

    Yes, I saw Gareth on his trading story , am still relatively new to all this but discipline and base hits are working.....Along with Matt and Steve really appreciate yours and everybody's community page inputs, measuring emotion, fear and greed etc....great stuff!


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