CNBC Alert

    Posted by cdjd on 1st of Dec 2008 at 12:15 pm

    we are officially in a recession!


    really...who would have thunk it?!?

    Posted by doctormike on 1st of Dec 2008 at 12:25 pm

    really...who would have thunk it?!? LOL CNBC=noise...and I cant stand Dennis Kneal...what a d-bag!


    CNBC has been saying recession

    Posted by cdjd on 1st of Dec 2008 at 12:32 pm

    CNBC has been saying recession for a month or so  Laughing

    the official part of today is a government agency I believe. What do they know?

    Yeah the NBER....CNBC still =

    Posted by doctormike on 1st of Dec 2008 at 12:46 pm

    Yeah the NBER....CNBC still = noise.


    GOVT Recession Announcement

    Posted by pki on 1st of Dec 2008 at 12:44 pm

    The National Bureau of Economic Research announced today that December 2007 marked the end of a 73 month expansion in the U.S. economy and the beginning of a recession.  FYI..  So - a year later - it was declared ---- as economists are a bit slow [to collect their data].

    dennis kneal

    Posted by glennsexton on 1st of Dec 2008 at 12:27 pm

    Hid daddy must own alot of GE stock

    those people sucks, announce recession

    Posted by yawang36 on 1st of Dec 2008 at 12:24 pm

    those people sucks, announce recession after mkt down nearly 50% and a year later? and now mkt is near key support after historic best 5 day up in 35 years. Hmm, what do they want this time?


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