Just think about this: Mark Minervini's win rate for trading is 40ish%, he won the US investing champion twice and I don't think anybody in our community does as well as him lol. Same for other USIC top performers - lots of dudes have 60-70% trades ended up with losses, the key is win big and lose small. I would love to hear Matt and Steve boldly making their calls, even with wrong ones from time to time. There are so many people trying to be ambivalent and thus will never be wrong (but then why I pay the monthly subscription).

    well...one has to remember that

    Posted by matt on 5th of May 2022 at 11:47 am

    well...one has to remember that those investing championships are not indicative how a professional trader would trade - in order to win those you have to be super aggressive make big bets on things to make big wins in order to stand out- like lose 10 bets and win big on one huge bet - that puts betting style skews your stats in the win/loss deparment - you would not be betting that aggressively in real life trading where you are doing it for a living

    I think 60% win rate is normal for pro traders I know

    Obviously the 9-8:1 win/loss rate

    Posted by matt on 5th of May 2022 at 11:52 am

    Obviously the 9-8:1 win/loss rate 90% - 80% on the SPY and ES systems is pretty kick ass. Reversion to mean can be like that. KISS Trend probably more like 60% but the big trend moves make up for the whips 


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