They trapped bears good today with that 4,188 and never filled the 4,183 and now we are over 4,300. Just nasty stuff on both sides. Really slimy market this year

    It's been a trappy market

    Posted by steve on 28th of Apr 2022 at 03:20 pm

    It's been a trappy market for sure - let's hope they don't get us again tonight 

    Trap again - this is

    Posted by steve on 28th of Apr 2022 at 05:42 pm

    Trap again - this is a level to level market (trader's market) with a poor economic backdrop

    My leveraged long sale was

    Posted by fundamentalvalues on 28th of Apr 2022 at 06:54 pm

    My leveraged long sale was perfect into that 4,306  when I posted here and I put on a hedge at that time to work against my long term account holdings that I own at lower levels. I sold half of the hedge in after hours on that big woosh. Let's see what the trap master market serves up tomorrow. Will we visit the 4,183 open gap lower now? Or is there another unexpected move? Game on.

    yep and all the market

    Posted by matt on 28th of Apr 2022 at 05:46 pm

    yep and all the market did was rally straight into resistance - and pulled back from it - that area was NOT the place to go long

    Is it me or is

    Posted by fundamentalvalues on 28th of Apr 2022 at 03:27 pm

    Is it me or is the SPX looking like one big reverse h&s pattern now? 4,158 head and two shoulders off those 4,220s (the market's favorite number this year). Or are the data points invalid? I don't know what qualifies as a reverse h&s, though always respect price action. I just sold my leveraged exposure on SPX. I put a hedge on for tonight's earnings. I have a long term portfolio that it will protect in case earnings aren't good. If they are, I'm still in good shape long term. Tough market and backdrop. Seems things either get too negative or too positive quickly this year. 


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