Algos/CPU's running the trades... Yield

    Posted by mmellow on 24th of Feb 2022 at 11:24 am

    Algos/CPU's running the trades... Yield to the smart money. If you are not disciplined enough to watch for a few weeks, paper trading is a good rule during the unknown. Cash is KING. 

    A placeholder president run by Susan Rice, in consult with Oblahma's minions,  is meaningless. Think of an empty vessel inscribed with the words of "imagine." The burden sits on the shoulders of fossil fuel anarchists Greta , Gore, AOC, etc.  All wear a scarlet W.  As my kids would say, this is a bummer. On the bright side. We're all here chatting, Think like Buffett. Buy when no one else wants to. 

    Yup news reading Algos play

    Posted by kevindeng0727 on 24th of Feb 2022 at 11:25 am

    Yup news reading Algos play big role in environments like this. Brandon speaks at 1 so possibly they will sell the speech news.


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