High Yield Corporate

    Posted by matt on 23rd of Dec 2021 at 02:05 pm

    JNK - Chart Link- as you know high yield corporate bonds has been leading lately, it gave an early warning back in early Nov by selling off first before the market. It then bottomed before the general market and was action stronger than the market late last week and Monday before the general market bottomed - it is making new highs today

    Thanks for showing us this.

    Posted by sydney on 23rd of Dec 2021 at 04:26 pm

    Thanks for showing us this. The only thing problem I see is it is OB into resistant. Hope SPX will power up.

    Wow, interesting chart and yet

    Posted by cozz101 on 23rd of Dec 2021 at 03:38 pm

    Wow, interesting chart and yet another weapon to have.  Looks like we might be  headed to a broader market melt-up by this chart.


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