SPX ...  why fight it?

    Posted by mla127 on 23rd of Dec 2021 at 11:18 am

    SPX ...  why fight it?   maybe some backing and filling within that pattern to gather more strength ...

    SPX  ... Was expecting a

    Posted by mla127 on 27th of Dec 2021 at 11:48 am

    SPX  ... Was expecting a bit of backing and filling within the pattern ... but whatever works I guess ....     the feeling of "stock indexes only goes up" is alive and well   ... ..probably until the Fed says it's good enough now ...   

    I never said it was

    Posted by matt on 23rd of Dec 2021 at 11:25 am

    I never said it was bearish, remember I posted that same chart yesterday.  

    otherwise the best thing would be the backfilling  higher low for a wave e, 5 wave coil of some sort. Right now there's only 4 waves. The pattern would product a much stronger rally if you had a higher low wave e form from say a pullback from this resistance area next week. 

    If price simply goes straight up from here, it's prone to still stall out around a symmetry level such as 4760 

    small pullback/sideways wabe 5 will

    Posted by kevindeng0727 on 23rd of Dec 2021 at 12:09 pm

    small pullback/sideways wabe 5 will be perfect. $NYMO above 40 today and next Monday officially starts the Santa Claus rally.

    lol ... didn't listen to

    Posted by mla127 on 23rd of Dec 2021 at 11:26 am

    lol ... didn't listen to the newsletter ... so I don't know what you said ...    was just a comment based on the chart ...  


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