so for example had I been focusing on symmetry I would have had in my head that yesterday's rally broke symmetry on the 15 min chart, then on this morning's sell off I would have been looking to aggressive buy it for a long trade because I would know the odds favored a higher low. 

    otherwise going forward, bullish view is that pullback was a small wave 2, bearish view is this is a wave c up

    Thanks Matt, Appreciate the examples and

    Posted by rfa300 on 16th of Sep 2021 at 04:09 pm

    Thanks Matt,

    Appreciate the examples and details. I'll be looking ahead for things like these. 

    Bought KWEB earlier today based

    Posted by timebandit on 16th of Sep 2021 at 03:18 pm

    Bought KWEB earlier today based on this premise: symmetry break with the last advance and yesterday's low was above (barely) the late August low. We'll see if it works out. Volume not that strong today (screenshot of Matt's chart)

    MACD KISS, Stochastic oversold, could

    Posted by matt on 16th of Sep 2021 at 03:45 pm

    MACD KISS, Stochastic oversold, could probably employ a fairly tight stop

    Yes, that was my thought.

    Posted by timebandit on 16th of Sep 2021 at 04:02 pm

    Yes, that was my thought. Stop below yesterday's low and was seeing the same thing, possible MACD kiss/Slow Stoch setup. You put that on my radar screen and it's something I look for now as a factor in taking a trade. CORRECTION: stop below late August low


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