Hello looks like you signed

    SPY systems update

    Posted by matt on 21st of Oct 2020 at 11:04 am

    Hello looks like you signed up on Sept 2nd, so before these current open trades occurred. There was a short trade on Sept 2nd but I doubt you caught that one since that was the day you started. However there were were 2 long trades about a week later  from 9/8 to 9/15 from the Trend/Pullback  and QE BTS that were nice trades did you catch those? 

    Then the QE BTS system took a 1st entry on 9/21 and a 2nd entry on 9/24 did you take those? I sold 1/2 those positions about a week and still hold the 1/2 remaining.

    The Stochastic short took a 1st entry last week on 10/15/20 and on Monday the Trend/Pullback took a 1st entry long.  

    The system that is fully closing out is the QE BTS from 9/21 and 9/24which is what today's email was about.  The most recent systems Trend/Pullback and Stochastic Short will remain open


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