ETSY follow up

    Posted by matt on 7th of Jul 2020 at 09:54 am

    ETSY - Chart Link - yesterday I said ETSY might offer a short trigger off the low of yesterday's doji, that would have triggered today and your stop would be at the highs. 

    ETSY - Chart Link - 60 min view had MACD divergence to support a possible trade

    again we'll see, these type of reversion to mean trades can be hit or miss, but risk is defined. 

    Obviously it was a HELL of a long out of that coil pattern that was a Long idea here in early June.

    ETSY had some insider selling

    Posted by racerick on 7th of Jul 2020 at 10:35 am

    ETSY had some insider selling on July1. Saw the report last night. Most notable was CEO sold 1/2 his position


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