Even with the systems Matt,

    Dow at support line

    Posted by rgoodwin on 23rd of Oct 2008 at 02:12 pm

    Even with the systems Matt, it still takes COURAGE to stay in the trade but imagining the old woulda, coulda, shoulda thing coming to haunt if you get out - keeps you in! I added after initial entries so have been taking some profits along the way but still heavy positions - at least for ME.


    Posted by ravun on 23rd of Oct 2008 at 02:32 pm

    that  thought around and make it I would be a "coward" to cut out now....Many really successful traders wonder "what if"..and some are really good. We have a system here..anyone (if in a trrade) cuts and they get FINED..lol

    Besides, I am also trading

    Posted by rgoodwin on 23rd of Oct 2008 at 02:39 pm

    Besides, I am also trading DDM which I got into later than DXD on a 1 minute chart so as DXD is coming down, I have 2x the shares on DDM that I am playing the system with. Also SPY and SDS- I won;t be giving up much combined profit with this kind of action.


    Posted by rgoodwin on 23rd of Oct 2008 at 02:37 pm

    you're the boss - I'm sticking to it!

    Seeing buy signal in 1

    Posted by kichan77 on 23rd of Oct 2008 at 02:41 pm

    Seeing buy signal in 1 minutes on /es future, but still in the sell mode on 5 ,15 minutes...


    Anyone enter long here? or we just get dead cat bounce here...It makes me hard to put my finger to short more here...


    Any comments????

    Kichan, I am trading DDM

    Posted by rgoodwin on 23rd of Oct 2008 at 02:46 pm

    Kichan, I am trading DDM and SPY on a 1 minute while DXD and SDS on 5 minute - working out well with this. Also have MZZ from this AM on a 15 minute 7/21 system BTW

    rgoodwin - that's the thinig about

    Posted by matt on 23rd of Oct 2008 at 02:17 pm

    rgoodwin - that's the thinig about trading, the emotional thing can get to you.  That's what makes trading very hard.  Everyone has to deal with emotion personally and everyone deals with it differently.  systems are supposed to help with it.  money mangement helps, not doing too large of a position helps, but you personally have to conqure this; we can't pull the trigger for you.

    Matt, the systems have been

    Posted by rgoodwin on 23rd of Oct 2008 at 02:27 pm

    Matt, the systems have been an AMAZING help this week. And up until today I have done the best trading since I started. But today I did my share of getting bigger positions on so the emotion came back a bit. But as I said, I added and took back in increments so now I am comfortable again in the trades. I am very, very happy with the strategy trade and highly recommend to anyone that finds emotion affecting their trades.

    Spock would had made a

    Posted by kevin on 23rd of Oct 2008 at 02:25 pm

    Spock would had made a great trader Laughing

    Matt, I'm back and missed the

    Posted by cspirit on 23rd of Oct 2008 at 02:22 pm


    I'm back and missed the big move so just put on small position share sizes.  Will have to wait for 7500 -7000 area to reload for a bounce.

    Good call on this next leg down.



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