mmmm hmmm ... 

    As I watch the futures

    Posted by deep on 19th of Aug 2019 at 01:34 am

    As I watch the futures move up  I can't help ... Matt/Steve - DO NOT READ THIS POST.  haha-really don't read past next sentence.  Point is I'd love for you to keep doing what you do ( best technical analysis on the planet) without being effected in any way  by my post.  My analysis is deep and logical (See Original Post) .   All logical signals say we should go higher and let metals sink (but not DBA ??).  I'm curious to know if anyone thinks DBA/Ags can rally here  (2 week time frame) ?  Market has us at the zero line technical analysis wise but also has us on our toes from a bad news position...  Contrarian view is the market must rally(Let's get the SPY system closed).  Let's get back to 2970.  Turn around Tuesday makes perfect sense especially with a push higher Monday followed by fear of what will they say Wednesday (continued elevated VIX and GLD).  What do u think Powell will say ?  He will signal I'll bend over backwards and do what is necessary (= Rally On)... Then maybe we'll cool down (I'm always ahead of the program it seems).   Then and if we rally .. along comes the 9/1 Tariff and Trump says 25 vs 10% - what happens (see Steve's Trump Signals cycle chart) -er we tank?  Then we close out perhaps one of the worst Septembers ever (Where are my emojis !)  .  . Followed by rate cut crack when Fed is forced to cut big (or some new rules that'll never happen in time) ... leads to a big year end and longer rally which Trump Dog needs to be re-elected.  Once he's elected many may think he's trying to leave a legacy for his kids to come into power but I think irrespective we ARE headed into  a recession and i'm looking forward to Trump's explanation for how this is not a recession.  Also easy to manipulate (another tax cut too?) rally irrespective of Fed.  I treasure the boys, this site, and would love to hear BPT community feedback (including 'this is a techanical analysis site so STFU with your Deep logic!').   Let's unite on rally to 2970 and all make a shit pile of money!  or we could just drop through the floor in the morning... but that's a whole another post (not).  - Deep


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