it's also about life balance


    Posted by matt on 9th of Mar 2018 at 02:50 pm

    it's also about life balance as well guys.  I'm very guilty of that, staying on the computer all day and late into the night, and weekend - goal this year is to get some balance and also spend more time with kids.  Too many times my wife sadly tells me that she wishes I had a normal 40hr a week job where when I come home on the weekends I'm free.  

    Anyway back to trading, these trend days are fun

    here's another thing to put

    Posted by matt on 9th of Mar 2018 at 02:55 pm

    here's another thing to put life into perspective:   Literally Today I got a call from a member's wife who told me that her husband BPT member just died in February!  I of course told her that I was so sorry for her loss (Mr X) her husband was a member I think for 10 years!  I also  told her that I canceled his account and refunded his money.  

    anyway one of the BPT members just recently died, so hope that puts life into perspective 


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