yes I'll probably start plotting it sometime, Stockcharts has some crude charts of it, Tradeview has better charts, and it's coming to Tradestation sometime soon, would probably be best to wait for that. As far as trading it you guys have to realize how volatile it is, it's not something you want to just trade while you are work in meetings all day, it's something you have to watch like a hawk.  I think now it's especially dangerous as it's the topic of conversation everywhere:  My wife's friends are asking me about it who have no interest in the market, Steve's wife was getting her haircut the other day and all the hair dress could talk about was Bitcoin - when I see things like that it worries me some.

    yes my wife asked me

    Posted by morton7 on 13th of Dec 2017 at 10:49 am

    yes my wife asked me about it as well....when the music stops....poof!

    Exactly why I would never

    Posted by stevieb294 on 13th of Dec 2017 at 10:22 am

    Exactly why I would never go near it. Plenty of other more sane things to trade.

    And exactly why I said

    Posted by ship on 13th of Dec 2017 at 10:45 am

    And exactly why I said we need a "Matt system" to trade it! Otherwise I don't dare either :)


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