Their charts are also subject to network issues, plus the data is always behind my Interactive Brokers data, but they are nice charts, and free, so I still use them alongside IB charts (which don't have many indicators) and Stockcharts.

    TD Ameritrade

    Posted by Michael on 3rd of Jul 2017 at 01:04 pm

    I have a couple of 401ks there, which IB doesn't offer,and I have a tradestation acct for the platform and use it for futures, but for active trading IB is best -- good fills, low commissions for scaling in and out,  low margin rates, generally have stock to short.

    That IB platform

    Posted by stevieb294 on 5th of Jul 2017 at 08:23 am

    ...makes my head hurt. Why would you design a platform that is so unintuitive?!!!


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