SPX 30 min chart

    Posted by matt on 7th of Oct 2008 at 02:44 am


    S&P 50 30 min chart dynamic

    Hi Matt when the time

    Posted by fefroes on 8th of Oct 2008 at 02:19 pm

    Hi Matt when the time to short again come let us know

    we could have another day

    Posted by matt on 8th of Oct 2008 at 02:21 pm

    we could have another day up, wave 4 should be ABC up with this move up beign wave A, then we get a B pullback, then a C up.  Watch the Fibs on the 15 min chart as resistance target areas.  Also keep an eye on 60 period stochastics

    SPX 15 min chart.png Well folks,

    Posted by matt on 9th of Oct 2008 at 08:56 am

    Well folks, I know many of you doubted this bull wedge ABC pattern that I presented yesterday....despite the pullback yesterday afternoon, all was simply a B wave pullback an now we will get a gap up for wave C.  The problem is that you would have had to buy end of day yesterday, which would have been very difficult, heck I didn't even do it, but the wave count played out, I see that happen a lot

    how high do you feel

    Posted by dowjones4k on 9th of Oct 2008 at 09:25 am

    how high do you feel the bounce will be?

    There is not a feeling in this market. 

    Posted by cspirit on 9th of Oct 2008 at 09:32 am

    There is not a feeling in this market.  If you trade using feelings your going to get hurt however before this sell off 10000-10200 area was lower bottom channel support THEREFORE its now ress and IMHO bounce traget area per what charts look like.

    matt the wave count played

    Posted by vmath on 9th of Oct 2008 at 09:20 am

    matt the wave count played out exactly as you layed it out yesterday. Great job! Thanks

    didn't doubt ya matt...I just

    Posted by dylan398 on 9th of Oct 2008 at 09:11 am

    didn't doubt ya matt...I just said maybe the bull wedge didn't like being called pretty Smile


    Posted by gigye on 9th of Oct 2008 at 09:05 am

    Yes, I missed it too. How about GLD which is now $2 lower than yesterday.


    Posted by ravun on 9th of Oct 2008 at 09:16 am

    Matt, you are korreckt, would have taken some guts.

    Redrawn, has actually re-tested what was resistance. And again, as you said, this happens a lot.

    ravun-really like your charts. tks

    Posted by vmath on 9th of Oct 2008 at 09:24 am

    ravun-really like your charts. tks for the redraw!

    matt, macd in 30min is

    Posted by yawang36 on 8th of Oct 2008 at 01:05 pm

    matt, macd in 30min is about to cross and if this is start of wave 4, it should run to 1100 in 1-2 days, right?


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