Timeframes for trading

    Posted by RichieD on 7th of Jul 2016 at 11:51 am

    Home recovering from hip surgery; have more time on my hands.  

    Usually (swing) trade off the daily charts, but have been playing around with free tools offered by Fidelity that provide "advanced charts" offering a variety of views (1 day, 2 day, 5 day, etc.) and different timeframes (60 minute, 30 minute, 15 minute, 5 minute, etc.).

    Completely confused as to which timeframe to "drill down to" to get a better entry point.  As I adjust the variables, different pictures for a given stock emerge. Can anyone offer some advice?

    Have yet to trade off this info; just exploring and trying to learn.

    Richie that's something you will

    Posted by matt on 7th of Jul 2016 at 11:57 am

    Richie that's something you will have to experiment yourself with to find what fits you.

    otherwise I find if I'm trading daily charts, a good fit is to look at 60 min charts for confirmation and better entries. 

    With this market, longer term swing trading is not easy.  Gold stocks were a notable exception, and you can find things like that once in a while but don't expect big swing trade opportunities to show up all the time, maybe 3 - 5 a year, and setups like on the precious metals earlier this year, maybe only once every couple years.  For longer term swing trade charts you will want to see evidence on the weekly charts, obverse the moving average configuration, then use your daily charts for entry.  Shorter term swing you can use daily charts for the main pattern and 60 min charts for conformation.

    there's a lot of ways to skin cat, can't just make a blanket statement, do this and do that, that's the art of trading

    Figured as much. Thanks, Matt.

    Posted by RichieD on 7th of Jul 2016 at 12:01 pm


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