FYI possible SPY system short trades today

    Posted by matt on 2nd of Oct 2015 at 03:57 pm
    Title: click to expand and show comments

    looks like all three SPY

    Posted by matt on 2nd of Oct 2015 at 04:04 pm

    looks like all three SPY systems went short at close (see sticky post above)

    I bought some SH on Friday and its looking like SH this AM.

    Matt, pls. address when you get a chance.

    Posted by disciple33 on 5th of Oct 2015 at 11:11 am

    (forgot to put your name on original post)

    disciple33 - I answered your

    Posted by matt on 5th of Oct 2015 at 11:53 am

    disciple33 - I answered your question, see your private messages please

    Matt, I have no new messages in my Inbox.

    Posted by disciple33 on 5th of Oct 2015 at 01:04 pm

    it's best that you learn

    Posted by matt on 5th of Oct 2015 at 01:38 pm

    it's best that you learn where to find them because it seems like you ask about stops every time the SPY systems do a trade.     They are located on the website in the mechanical systems section, 

    for SPY Pro, SPY RSI 2, SPY Ver 2, there is an overview tab for each of these systems and stops and other things are listed there, read those so that you have the info and know where to find information.

    - click on Mechanical Systems tab, click on the SPY system tab, a series of sub tabs will then show up below, you will see SPY Pro system, SPY Ver 2, SPY RSI 2, click on one of those such as SPY RSI 2, and you will see more sub tabs - click on the overview tab. Each system has this, here's a image

    What's a trade type for

    Posted by junkie on 2nd of Oct 2015 at 04:15 pm

    What's a trade type for this trade short?


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