SPY Pro system 1st scaleout achieved

    Posted by matt on 30th of Mar 2015 at 02:40 pm
    Title: click to show comments

    FYI - regarding the SPY

    Posted by matt on 1st of Apr 2015 at 12:53 pm

    FYI - regarding the SPY mechanical systems, the SPY Pro and Ver 2 systems appear to be getting an exit signal, however I will confirm at the close.  Remember if confirmed, these two systems exit on the next day's open, NOT at the close, so if the exit is confirmed they would close out their remaining long positions tomorrow on the open, NOT today.

    regarding the SPY systems that

    Posted by matt on 31st of Mar 2015 at 10:00 pm

    regarding the SPY systems that are still long, it won't take much for them to get an exit signal here, point being, they won't get into much trouble or stuck holding longs if we have a big market downturn

    Already out! 1/3 yesterday, the

    Posted by frtaylor on 31st of Mar 2015 at 10:23 pm

    Already out! 1/3 yesterday, the rest today mid-afternoon.

    also for better or for

    Posted by matt on 30th of Mar 2015 at 02:56 pm

    also for better or for worse, even though SPY is now clearly above the 8 and 9 SMA's, the systems have decided to hold the trades because the trending indicator is positive.  

    again you can do what you want, clearly the trade is up nicely even if one sold out here, however the systems are going to now hold the trade

    to clarify...

    Posted by trader8 on 30th of Mar 2015 at 02:46 pm

    Does this mean to sell that portion now or on the open tomorrow?

    a profit target of 1.25%

    Posted by matt on 30th of Mar 2015 at 02:52 pm

    a profit target of 1.25% can be hit any time during the day, it has nothing to do with the close

    Honestly my 'bad' was not simply giving you guys the sell limit price.  For the scaleouts, it's best to simply set a GTC sell limit order in for the target, that way it will automatically be executed for you.

    For example, the next scaleout for the SPY Pro comes in at a 2.5% gain, so that's very easy to calculate from the entry price of the system which was $205.76.   Therefore set a GTC sell limit at a price of $211.42 for another 20% of SPY Pro, or 8% of the combined system


    Posted by trader8 on 30th of Mar 2015 at 02:54 pm



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