SPX 60 and 30 min

    Posted by matt on 24th of Mar 2015 at 02:21 pm

    $SPX - Chart Link - 30 min view, price broke that steep channel, otherwise there's another uptrend line below in blue, you can also see on the 30 min chart.  

    The RSI broke that uptrend line which I pointed out last night to watch, so that gave a sell signal this morning well before the channel line.  

    Note there is some positive divergence on the CCI indicator for now

    $SPX - Chart Link - 30 min view see uptrend line

    The 9 ema coincides with

    Posted by frtaylor on 24th of Mar 2015 at 02:23 pm

    The 9 ema coincides with that uptrend line, at 2090.60.

    yep thx for pointing it

    Posted by matt on 24th of Mar 2015 at 02:25 pm

    yep thx for pointing it out! also the 20 MA too

    Matt, I pm'd you re:

    Posted by frtaylor on 24th of Mar 2015 at 02:39 pm

    Matt, I pm'd you re: paper trades on e-minis based on your 30 min video. Would love to get a moment w/ you regarding results so far, which are negative.


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